Galaxy Rasboras are among the most appreciated fish in the aquascaping hobby since their discovery in 2006.They got an amazing coloration on their body. This is one of the major reasons why they are one of the most sought tropical fish.
The fish is called galaxy rasbora or celestial pearl danio(most recent).
This fish, vary in size from 2 to 3 cm. The males exhibit rather bright blue body coloration with more coloration in their fins. Females on their part exhibit duller bluish-greenish background coloration with a tint of yellowish color to their bellies.
Tank Conditions:
A shallow aquarium of 40 L will do great for 5 individuals (2 males and 3 Females will be a good ratio). The tank should be planted in order to have a lot of hiding places for the females. The hidings spots will be important ass you increase the number of males in the tank.
To mimic their habitat, you should include a lot of rocks and driftwood. Being a tropical fish, the water should be heated between 24 to 26°C with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. A slow water flow is ideal for the fish.
Galaxy Rasboras are Omnivorous. Industrial pellets will be the most convenient food source and the most time saving choice to feed your fish. Live foods are also a good source for proteins but require some preparations before feeding (defrosting etc.)
Try to feed them twice a day, and only an amount that they can eat in a couple of minutes. It is recommended to vary your fish diet on a weekly basis in order to prevent any disease or complications.
Breeding :
Galaxy Rasbora is pretty easy. You just have to spot the female which is ready for spawning. She will have a darker body and a rounder abdomen.
In some cases, feeding live food have resulted in a better spawning rate.
The female will lay up to 30 eggs in a place where the water flow is less. The incubation duration is about 2 to 4 days. After that the fry will enter the larval stage and begin to swim.
If you spot the eggs, it is better to remove them and place them in a special breeding tank to keep them apart from the males which will constantly try to eat them.
The breeding tank must have the same parameters as the main tank and should be planted in order to provide hiding spots for the fry.
Start feeding them with micro foods for the first week. After that you can move on to baby brine shrimp until they grow to be adults. The fry will become adult within the first year.
Tank Mates:
Galaxy Rasbora is a peaceful and quite shy fish. When populating your community, you will need to take that into consideration. The tank mates should be within the same size as the fish and should have the same nature in order to decrease competition around the tank.
Tetras, Guppies, Corydoras are the best tank mates for your galaxy rasboras as they have the same nature and are peaceful. Before populating your tank, you should make sure that the amount of water will be sufficient for all the species and also make sure that they require similar water parameters.
Care Level: Medium
Temperament: Peaceful
Color Form: Dark blue body with yellow dots
Lifespan: 4 Years
Size: 2-3 cm
Diet :Omnivore
Family: Cyprinidae
Minimum Tank Size: 40 L
Tank Set-Up: Freshwater Planted Tank
Compatibility: Peaceful Community Species
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